
DMS did not refuse innovations

Statistics notes inexorably annual cost reduction of industrial enterprises of Ukraine on innovation. In the past, in 2010 the industry of Donetsk region involved 86 enterprises,  that is just over 10% of their total number. In general, the unit weight of Ukrainian "advanced" enterprises was 13.8 %.

The crisis has made significant adjustments to the expenditure. The costs of industrial enterprises in Donetsk region on innovation decreased in 3.5 times comparing to 2008, slightly surpassing 700 million hrn.

The structure of innovation expenses has changed. In 2010, the unit weight of expenditures for the purchase of machinery, equipment and software decreased by 16 %, while almost 17% the share of spending on research and development .

At the same time the main source of financing for innovation has been and still remains companies' own funds. Share of budget funding was 2%. Credit resources in the past year have not been used, whereas two years ago their share reached 9%. Reduced and the number of acquired technologies, including low-waste, resource-saving technologies .

The situation in the next few years must become better according to the Corporation DMS. Specialists of one of the largest holdings in the Donetsk region are confident that this will happen, especially under the pressure of natural macro- economic factors. "The ability to not only survive, but continue to develop and, therefore, to make a profit -based production of the most innovative principles: energy efficiency, automation, control software - all that rational use of the natural, intellectual and time resources " - said vice - President Oleg Kutyrkin DMS. - " It is understood by investors and whose involvement in the industry in the region has been and still remains a priority for both the government and enterprises."

Speaking about the corporation itself, DMS and its innovation, focus on the development of investment projects in the field of alternative energy and fuel, coal mining and steel production cleaner - with research and involvement including foreign experts, that took place at the pre-crisis period. But today DMS continues to work on innovative field. In particular, the Corporation is introducing an electronic system workflow and business process management , which will be held in the near future the process of quality management system certification ISO.