Well-known Paralympic sportsman Viktor Smirnov, with the support of regional and municipal authorities, not indifferent organizations and companies, one of which is the Corporation DMS, and with the support of the Donetsk city council deputy Andrei Alyosha, gathers almost 300 special children from all over Ukraine and regions of Russia for competition in Donetsk.
On February 9, IX International Tournament in swimming among children with special needs for prizes of six fold Paralympic champion Viktor Smirnov finished in the sports complex "Delfin". Once again competition proved that these children can do much more than we can ever imagine .Stay in the UK "Delfin" on February 8 and 9 left the audience and fans with indelible impressions. Many healthy adults cannot swim while these children, some of whom cannot walk on their own, can easily overcome a distance of 50m and 100m freestyle, breaststroke, butterfly and back. It is admirable! 287 young athletes (under 17 years) from almost all regions of Ukraine, and Volgodonsk , Murmansk, Saratov, Tula, Ufa and Khanty-Mansiiskiy Autonomous District in Russia is alternately set records and personal bests made allusions to future Paralympic records.
Because of the specificity of the tournament (participants are divided into 12 major groups according to age, sex, and nosology , while large groups are divided into another 56 categories), each participant received at least two or three medals and certificates, all the organizers awarded more than 600 medals .
12 traditional glass Victor Smirnov’s cups found their owners. In addition, all participants received gifts from sponsors and partners of the tournament , including the Financial and Industrial Corporation DMS. Also the youngest athletes, those who had birthdays, athletes who came from afar, and athletes who have reached the highest scores were presented with mobile phones, music players and other valuable prizes .
Every year more and more influential people and sponsors want to help in holding the competitions, the tournament has it’s devoted friends that support it not for the first time. Active assistance of Financial and Industrial Corporation DMS became a good tradition of the tournament. Its honorary president, the deputy of Donetsk City Council Andrey Alesha knows a lot about the sport as he is the head the Donetsk Regional Federation of hand-to-hand fighting . “ Last year I proposed Andrei Nikolaevich to participate in holding the tournament, - says the organizer of the tournament Viktor Smirnov. - He helped financially, and continues to support me in all endeavors.” There is an intention to build a climbing wall in the Kuibyshev district for climbers’ training and Andrey Alesha provided free transportation for clearing the site. “He helps to organize the tournament, he helps financially, and participants received awards from the Corporation"- said Victor.
Before meeting with Victor Andrei Alyosha thought about organizing competitions for people with special needs. " Such competitions not only help children in rehabilitation, but also generate power, the will to win . The children work in a team , train hard, shout for the success of their friends and together seek the best results. It is with such children's competitions their career started Viktor Smirnov, Alexander Mashchenko Andrew Kalina, Yulia Volkova, Daniil Chufarov and many other Paralympic athletes . Now they are Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine, champions and winners of the Paralympic Games, European and World Championships. Their examples inspire kids to new victories ", - said Andrey Alesha .
Financial and Industrial Corporation DMS is involved in all significant events and youth sports life Donetsk region .
In general, social projects’ support is an important part of management system of the DMS Corporation and vital mission of Honorary President of the company. Enterprise Financial and Industrial Corporation DMS create their own and support existing in Donetsk and Donetsk region public initiatives. Today systematic work is carried out in two main areas : promotion of sports and healthy lifestyle among children, adolescents and youth , as well as assistance to orphans .
For 10 years, Andrey Alesha has been supporting orphanage № 1 in the Kuibyshev district in Donetsk , and has been helping those categories of people who need it most .
Corporation is a regular partner of the Donetsk Regional Federation of hand-to-hand fighting, which was recognized as the best in Ukraine. From 2007 to the present, with the financial support of the DMS Corporation free sections on fighting in the schools of Donetsk were organized, where distinguished masters in sports, highly professional DRFHHF coaches train children. The company also is a partner of MFC " Enakievets” the holder of Futsal Cup and Super Cup .
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Financial and Industrial Corporation DMS supported children's swimming tournament for the prizes of Viktor Smirnov